Page name: the woods [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-17 00:10:14
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Welcome to the woods it's my property so ask before you kill any thing please or feel my wrath
it's a nice peaceful place
under the moon

towering white stone walls gleam in the moonlight of an old castle hidden in the woods by times hand. vines slowly creep up the sides, their dark grren contrasting against the white of the walls.

So welcome to my domain & be respectful. 

[cpt.jack sparrow24] owner

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2007-02-26 [Sweet Disaster]: *Looks at him*

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *kisses you

2007-02-26 [Sweet Disaster]: *Kisses back*

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i missed you

2007-02-26 [Sweet Disaster]: I missed you too.

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: kisses you

2007-02-26 [Sweet Disaster]: *Kisses back, running her nails over your neck*

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: shudders and nibbels on your neck

2007-02-26 [Sweet Disaster]: *Bites her lip and does it again*

2007-02-26 [lobo the last]: ahhh so sweet mabye i should leave

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: yea

2007-02-26 [Sweet Disaster]: I agree

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: bye bye lobo nibble on your neck again slowly moving towrds your chest

2007-02-26 [Sweet Disaster]: *Smiles slighty and runs her nails a little harder over your neck*

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ahhhh yea

2007-02-26 [Sweet Disaster]: Hehe...

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *opens his pants

2007-02-26 [Sweet Disaster]: *Licks her lips and bites her bottom lip slightly*

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *opens hers

2007-02-26 [Sweet Disaster]: *Kisses him and gently bites his lip pulling away*

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ohhhh

2007-02-26 [Cheyenne Lee]: *sits sickened* jack!. gross *turns and walks away shocked*

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: opppps owww

2007-02-26 [Cheyenne Lee]: *tears start to fall and she runs to the tower and slams the door and takes out the razor*

2007-02-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *eyes glow red and the razor flies out the window*
i refuse to let this happen no i wont do this to elizabeth *grabs nightmare and pushes her to the door*
leave now im so sorry *shuts the door and walks to elizabeth*
love please come out i love you come on open the door

2007-02-26 [Cheyenne Lee]: *crys harder and breaks a mirror and is tearing apart the room and breaking everything*leave me alone *crys harder*

2007-02-27 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *eyes are glowing now and time freezes, he breaks the door down and grabs you and kisses you* no i refuse to leave you (your frozen) i love you i was in a moment of weakness please i love you dont send me away

2007-02-27 [Cheyenne Lee]: (WTF. wait thats not nice)
*doesnt know wahst going on*

2007-02-28 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: unfreezes you but is still holding you and a tear falls out of his eye* i love you(you hear it all you were frozen but you could hear me)

2007-02-28 [Cheyenne Lee]: *pulls away and falls back and looks at him*

2007-02-28 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: im sorry
i .. i was ...
i have no exuse i dont expect you to forgive me so ...
*leaves and goes to his room and sits on the bed*

2007-02-28 [Cheyenne Lee]: *stands there and looks around at everything that is broken and breaks down in tears and puts on long dress and puts robe on over and runs down stairs*

2007-02-28 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *eyes glow red and doors lock*

2007-02-28 [Cheyenne Lee]: *walks in the kitchen and sits on the table sitting looking out at the night*

2007-02-28 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *UNLOCKS THE doors*

2007-02-28 [Cheyenne Lee]: *tears falls and just sits there and then falls to the floor crying*

2007-02-28 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *walks down stairs to you and picks you up* love dont please i love you im so sorry please stop

2007-02-28 [Cheyenne Lee]: *kicks away and falls and stands and growls and walks outside*

2007-02-28 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: im so very sorry *walks to the kitchen and opens a hidden wall and takes out a necklace*

2007-02-28 [lobo the last]: sneaks up* jack dont you know what that does she doesnt mean it dont thats not the way dont kill your self she doesnt mean it that necklace will not only strip you of power it will kill you no she doesnt mean it dont

2007-02-28 [Cheyenne Lee]: *walks to the path of the woods and lets hair down and puts cloak on and walks*

2007-02-28 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: no she deserves better if i die she will be with will shel be hapy dammit leave lobo *sits down looking at the necklace*

2007-02-28 [Cheyenne Lee]: *clapls on traila nd cant move*

2007-02-28 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: (???what)

2007-02-28 [Cheyenne Lee]: (sry im so stupid)
*falls on trail and cant move*

2007-02-28 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *doesnt know that and is still thinking of suicide*

2007-02-28 [Cheyenne Lee]: *lays there and crys and blood cmes out of her mouth*

2007-03-04 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *feels blood fall onto grass and looks up wondering why shes bleeding?*

2007-03-04 [Cheyenne Lee]: *cant stop bleeding and lays there*

2007-03-26 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *appears next to her and picks her up and carries her to the castle

2007-03-27 [Cheyenne Lee]: *closes her eyes and hold him close *

2007-03-27 [Sweet Disaster]: *Watches for a moment then turns and walks away*

2007-03-28 [Cheyenne Lee]: *keeps bleeding and sees a shawdow walk away and gasp on air and points*

2007-04-02 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: looks and sees nothing but does see a tree branch sway *thinks ok somethings here but i have to worry about her*

2007-04-02 [Cheyenne Lee]: *looks at him and eyes close and the blood slows down* j..jack. set me down

2007-04-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *sets her down and cuts a wrist* here the blood of gods heals mortals

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *lays on cold ground and looks at him and blacks out*

2007-04-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *drops one drip of blood and heals her*

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *blinks and and trys to speak*

2007-04-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ssshhhh*holds her close

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *shuts mouth and looks at him and shuts eyes and drifts off to sleep*

2007-04-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *carries her to bed and lays her down to sleep stands up and snaps his fingers and instantly her clothes are off and snaps again and dry clothes are placed on her he walks over to her kisses her forehead and sits in a chair on the other end of the room*

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *lays there and 2 hours later wakes and sit sup and head hurts* ouchh *slowly touches head*

2007-04-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *sleeping on the chair watching you*

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *slowly stands and stumbles and feels week and grabs the sid eof the bed*

2007-04-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *wakes up and jumps to you and pushes you back down* nno sleep

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *gasp and falls on back*...y

2007-04-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: shhhh sleep

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *closes eyes* im not tried

2007-04-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: to fucking back love you almost died

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *blinks and is confused* what.. omg. how

2007-04-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i dont know i was hoping you could tell me *pushes her back on the bed a little more rough than needed and lays next to her*
now spill it

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *gasp and glares at u and looks away* im not really sure
its all a blur

2007-04-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: better come up with an anser because someone was here and i dont like intruders

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *sits up and gets away from you fast enougha nd rusn down stairs and out the door*

2007-04-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *calls the forests power to him and makes a treesroots grab her and hold her and sloly walks down the stairs to her*
you know thats not polite

2007-04-22 [Cheyenne Lee]: *glares at him and falls over and is to weak* who came by

2007-04-23 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i dont know i was hoping you knew

2007-04-23 [Cheyenne Lee]: *shakes head and trys standing but slips and hits head on floor*

2007-04-23 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *picks her up and carries her to bed and hand cuffs her to it and falls asleep on the seat again

2007-04-23 [Cheyenne Lee]: *falls in a deep sleep and wakes up screaming*

2007-04-24 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *jumps awake and runs to her* are you ok love

2007-04-24 [Cheyenne Lee]: *opens eyes and sits up and looks scared out the window* its back

2007-04-24 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: yes it is iv sensed it for awil now pretending im asleep its cirlcing to house

2007-04-24 [Cheyenne Lee]: *crys and and looks at handcuffs* unlock these *crys harder*

2007-04-24 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: no ... you know something and you talk or i leave and im not so sure what ever that thing is its not happy

2007-04-24 [Cheyenne Lee]: *growls* LET ME OUT AND I WILL TELL YOU.
*glares at him*

2007-04-24 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: hmmm no do you know why because you ran last time and im not gonna give you the chance so how about you talk or i walk

2007-04-24 [Cheyenne Lee]: *lays there and doesnt speak* fine leave me

2007-04-24 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ok but just in case *touches the cuffs and the rustand wont ever open* ther we go *stands up and dissapears*

2007-04-24 [Cheyenne Lee]: *glares and closes eyes and mumbles and then room gets dark and has a bad feeling and looks at window and sees a dark shawdow and it seeps in and is over her and everything is black and smokey*

2007-04-24 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: a whisper says "just expain to me and i will save you

2007-04-24 [Cheyenne Lee]: *still trys to get free and starts to see a face in the smoke and a hand reaching for my face and i feel the touch of the hand and whispers*.i..i..cant

2007-04-24 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: WHY

2007-04-24 [Cheyenne Lee]: *shuts eyes hoping this is a dream*...*doesnt speek*

2007-04-24 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: DAMMIT *appears behnd you and pulls out a flask and opens it and it makes a sucking sound as the blackness swirls into the flaskhe then shuts it*

2007-04-24 [Cheyenne Lee]: WAITT *screams and reaches for it*...*paueses and pushes u away...*

2007-04-24 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: closes it*

2007-04-24 [Cheyenne Lee]: *looks at u and leaves* dont think baout stoping me

2007-04-25 [Cheyenne Lee]: *keeps walking and walks to door*

2007-04-25 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *funny you wake up and your still chained*
(i never uncuffed you

2007-04-25 [Cheyenne Lee]: (oooopppssssssssssss. let me fix everything)
*lays on the bed and is scared*..please let me out. i cant stay here

2007-04-25 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: why?

2007-04-25 [Cheyenne Lee]: b..because im scared okay now please *tears fall*

2007-04-25 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: why? what have you et into my kingdom

2007-04-25 [Cheyenne Lee]: *glares at him and trys to stop crying but crys harder* . PLease.. i beg.. pleaseee

2007-04-25 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: il protect you but let me know what have you ley into my domain because i wont leave here il dye fighting

2007-04-25 [Cheyenne Lee]: fine fine just let me go.*looks at u*

2007-04-25 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ok but this house is in full lock down mode nothing in nothing out understand you will die if you step out the door or climb out a window

2007-04-25 [Cheyenne Lee]: fine. i agree i wont. now will u please. *looks at the cuffs*

2007-04-25 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *takes a peise of her hair and places it on the cuffs and says love and the disapear

2007-04-25 [Cheyenne Lee]: *pulls hands free and slowly stands and glares at him.*im going to the kitchen *slowly moves so she doesnt fall*

2007-04-25 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: im serprised you didnt know how to get out of them hehe make me a samdwhitch too

2007-04-25 [Cheyenne Lee]: im not makingu food *rolls eyes and walks in and sits at table and looks down*

2007-04-25 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *walks in * so what did you bring into my kingdom?

2007-04-27 [Cheyenne Lee]: *looks at you and glares* what do u mean. I.. i didnt bring anything
everysence i came here weird things happend. like im goddes? i keep almost dieing. and all these things

2007-05-12 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: well nothing can more here with out invatation so i never brought it here

2007-05-12 [Cheyenne Lee]: well. maybe you should stop pissing people off,, wait what about the other people

2007-05-15 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: there are only 2 iv ever brought here you and another

2007-05-16 [Cheyenne Lee]: .... well the other one

2007-06-04 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: is dead

2007-06-04 [Cheyenne Lee]: *looks at him* well im sorry. (btw did u see PIRATES OMFG I LOVE IT)

2007-06-04 [here]: lol i did ;p

2007-06-05 [Cheyenne Lee]: (whaooo i loved it)
*looks threw the door and sees will* .. william *jumps up and runs over to him*

2007-06-05 [here]: *hugs her* lol im davy jones now too...

2007-06-05 [Cheyenne Lee]: *nods* i know..i truely thought i lost you.*keeps hugging*

2007-06-05 [here]: lol im still here

2007-06-05 [Cheyenne Lee]: *looks at jack and back at will*...when do u leave again.

2007-06-05 [here]: sundown

2007-06-05 [Cheyenne Lee]: *looks out side and back at you.*...its not fair.

2007-06-05 [here]: true...

2007-06-05 [Cheyenne Lee]: pretty soon ur going to leave again.

2007-06-05 [here]: yeah... can be on the boat tho ;p

2007-06-06 [Cheyenne Lee]: .yeah..(sry what??)

2007-07-10 [Cheyenne Lee]: JAck?

2007-07-10 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: yes *opens front door to the house/castle*

2007-07-11 [Cheyenne Lee]: We need to talk....come sit

2007-07-17 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *mopes* yes mom

2007-07-17 [Cheyenne Lee]: IM NOT UR MOM!!!*turns away and pauses* do u still love me

2007-07-17 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: yes not sure, i just dont know *walksinto the kitchen and sits down at the table*

2007-07-17 [Cheyenne Lee]: *follows him and sits across from him* u didnt need to tell lani that. that crushed her

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i know it just it wasnt me,
i dont understand i didnt mean to it just flooded out i so sorry *slumps over and crys

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *sits there and walks over and grabs u and kisses u*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *moves away* no i cant i ...*trys to get up but legs wont the body wants to kiss but the mind wants alobne

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *gets pushed back and looks at him like hes crazy*. fine u had ur chance im going to take my shower *runs up stairs and undresses and gets in the shower*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no jack whats wrong with you i want her fuck why am i screwing up fuck


*walks upstairs and opens the door so quietly you cant hear me and undresses and sneeks it to the shower

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *has a towl around me and desides to go back downt ot jake and doesnt see hes there*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *pokes her in the side standing there naked and wet(shrinkige)

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *turns around* get close on jack

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: hey hey hey i need an adult rape RAPE INAPPROPREIT CONDUCT

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *walks out side and starts walking in the woods*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *chases after her naked* hey wait

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: GET CLOSES ON *runs intpo the woods*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *snaps finges and clothes appear* wait up*runns*

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *puts clothes on while running and climbs up a tall tree and sits*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *appears behind you*
i love this view

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *takes razor and slices throught and falls o cold ground with a thud*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*jumpsto you and thuds on the ground*

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *is passed out and bleeding fast*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *snapps fingers and body heals itself but you stay passed out*

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *lays on the ground and body goes numb and turns dark and freezing*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ....... fuck *picks her up and carrys her back to the castle and lays her on the bed and change her clothes into warmer ones and lays down next to her and hand cuffs her to the bed and move everything away from her side so she cant grab anything*

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *is dieing slowly*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *a tear falls as he holds her crying because he doesnt know what to do

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *slowly starts to fade away and everything becomes dark*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: crys *kisses you one last time and crys*

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *slowly rolls off the bed and lays on floor and dispears and appears sleeping in the tree and wakes up * wtf... *looks at razor in hand*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *because of the loss of his love the forest is turning dark and black cruel and hurtfull like his heart thunderflashes

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *is alive in the tree and sees raining blood and gets freaked and drops the razor*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: is crying and hating the blood turns to fire its now raining fire

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *jumps from tree and runs further in woods and stops under a cav*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: fire stops and blood starts again

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *sits down in cav and looks at wrist and back at blood*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *the rain stops but the darkness is the same

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *steps out and looks around and walks back but gets lost and is so freaked starts to cry*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *you see the brick road back to the castle

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *keeps following freak out*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: THE CASTLE IS AHEAD YOU SEE IT*

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *starts to run and falls at the steps*

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *drinks him self to death

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *gets up and runs inside and looks around and everything looks faded*...hello?

2007-07-18 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *the bottle drops on the floor

2007-07-18 [Cheyenne Lee]: *looks in mirror and doesnt see a reflextion*

2007-07-19 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: (dead up here)

2007-07-19 [Cheyenne Lee]: (falls to floor with a sharp pain and crawls up and gets cold chills and opens door and sees him laying there*

2007-07-19 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *dead *

2007-07-19 [Cheyenne Lee]: *thinks hes sleeping and walks over and kisses hima nd lays down next to him and id dead also*

2007-07-19 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: (ahh so sweet your laying with a dead guy)

2007-07-19 [Cheyenne Lee]: (im dead also dumb ass)

2007-07-19 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: lol (lobo appears) damb you both i want to kill you

*slaps jack* and pulls out syring and sticks it in both of you that makes your heart to start* god i love the crnayians they make the best stuff

2007-07-20 [Cheyenne Lee]: *is passed out*

2007-07-20 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *wakes up and sees lobo dissappearing and feels breath on his back and turns to see you* *gasps and smiles as tears fall i move closer and kiss your lips and hold you*

2007-07-21 [Cheyenne Lee]: *opens eyes and looks at u weirdly* what happned

2007-07-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: lobo saved you and me

2007-07-21 [Cheyenne Lee]: *slowy sits up and looks around*.. how what. saved?

2007-07-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: you died i think and i drowned

2007-07-21 [Cheyenne Lee]: *looks at him shocked.*

2007-07-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: what?

2007-07-21 [Cheyenne Lee]: idk *slowly stands and feels dizzy*

2007-07-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *stands and walks over fine and holds her*

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